Aug 30Liked by Mike Tanier

I remember my kids looking forward to reaching 48" like I now look forward to reaching retirement.

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So much better than the "remember august cuts happen to human beings" article I imagined from the headline.

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Oh gosh. While that's a true sentiment ... yeah, columns of that nature tend to be a bit maudlin and scolding.

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This brings back a favorite memory of my 4-year old godson whining about the snack his mom gave him while we sat on the calm and sparsely attended Ocean City beach. As he complained, a seagull dove and ripped the chocolate chip cookie out of his hand. He is about to turn 21 and is still in the habit of gobbling down dessert lest it be stolen by unseen Jersey wildlife.

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I hope you'll have a mess of grandkids, including a granddaughter who loves football!

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Thanks. I don't mind delaying such blessings until the eldest is out of college, and perhaps tenured somewhere.

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Thank you, as always. I see shades of a piece you did some years ago for Sports on Earth about the vagaries of youth sports, the passage of time and turning of seasons. My own son just started public high school after 12 years of private Montessori, and in no way am I weeping as I type this.

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Good luck! These change-of-life events hit hard for the parents. It's remarkable how quickly the children adapt.

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Great story Mike. Always amazes me that someone who writes so well and so vividly with a seemingly endless box of potent metaphors was also a math teacher.

Good stuff.

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Lovely essay. Brings back so many memories. And yes, waiting in line with your grandchild for the pony rides wherever you may find them will be great when you get there!

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Thanks, that was great.

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As a fellow Ocean City dad with kids that have aged out recently, this really captured the feelings well - thanks for sharing. For most of the last 10-15 years, we have been going to the other place (before the fire!), but I still tend to park behind Wonderland (especially in the offseason when it's free) and my younger daughter had her first job running the haunted house at Wonderland. I'm glad it lasted through their childhood years, but the timing of it shutting down just as my kids are moving on to the next phases of their lives really brings it home - I guess my wife I and will have to check out Cape May!

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It does hit home. And that little parking lot was ELITE. Cape May is gorgeous but you can often smell the money oozing off folks in the bars and such. I tend to get pre-loaded before going into any bar so I can't overhear some d-bag complaining about the cost of gassing his yacht.

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I’m not crying, you’re crying!

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That was beautiful. Thanks for sharing!

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Glad you got it out of your system.

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Lovely. Thanks.

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