Also going to give O’Donnell the benefit of the doubt until Darnold’s season actually devolves along the lines Mike describes. I must admit Mike is probably correct. But didn’t O’Donnell win some games last year with Chanticleer 3rd stringers at QB?
Also going to give O’Donnell the benefit of the doubt until Darnold’s season actually devolves along the lines Mike describes. I must admit Mike is probably correct. But didn’t O’Donnell win some games last year with Chanticleer 3rd stringers at QB?
Also going to give O’Donnell the benefit of the doubt until Darnold’s season actually devolves along the lines Mike describes. I must admit Mike is probably correct. But didn’t O’Donnell win some games last year with Chanticleer 3rd stringers at QB?
Neil O'Darnold?
Lol. O’Donnell, O’Connell, mcDaniel, MacDonald.
Let’s call the whole thing off
Somewhere Bill Parcells just became even more agitated than usual and he has no idea why.